Saturday, June 27, 2020

Methods of Disciplining Children Essay - 275 Words

Methods of Disciplining Children (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Course:Tutor:Date:The Best Methods of Disciplining ChildrenThe word discipline is an absolute term that relates to the training that corrects or molds and perfects the rational faculties or moral character. The debate as to whether punishing children is part of disciplining them has existed for quite some time. It may still stay for as long as research is used in solving problems faced by parents in disciplining their children. Disciplining poses a great challenge to parents and guardians. This is because; discipline that works at one stage may not work at another (Morrish 44).The main goal for disciplining children is to teach them self-control and the difference between right and wrong which becomes part of their inner character. Children require structure, attention and predicable rules. Therefore, a wise parent is one who shares her wisdom with her children. She tells them the useful social skills among them how to be responsible and orderly at all times (Ell iot 25).Morrish argues that, as a young child is brought up and taught to obey unconditionally, it is necessary to also teach them how to respectively appeal to authority when they feel unsatisfied. Research shows that most children will learn wrong or right by watching what their parents do. For instance, if their parents lie, the kids will. If the parents use racial slurs, so will the kids. While some people would say, words are much better than actions, in this context I would consent with Actions speak louder than words .Elliot argues that, a child who is disciplined will be obedient, and will be much more organized than fellow children of the same age. This will in the long run facilitate respect and other critical values which will relate t...